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The Time Trump Came to Town

Today is "a date which will live in infamy", as United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt once stated. On this fateful day at High Point University, a one, Mr. Donald J. Trump, visited our campus as a stop in his rallying for his 2016 presidential campaign.

Though I was unable to obtain a ticket as they rapidly sold out, nor was I able to attend an peaceful assembly *wink wink*, I took a stroll past Hayworth Amphitheater and spoke to several people along the way. I stood and watched from across the back of Slane Student Center overlooking the fountains, as almost 10 different sports utility vehicles, adorned with cobalt flashing lights and thoroughly tinted windows, drove one after another tightly and quickly into the parking area behind Millis Gym. Seeing this, it was only natural that conversations sparked between myself and some fellow-lookers-on nearby. "Do you think that was him?", "THAT HAD TO BE HIM!", and "...a sniper could easily take him out from right here..." were just a few of the comments and questions made and asked in that discussion. Finding myself more and more curious, and honestly looking for those protests (!!), I soon ended up at the gate or barricade, or wall, if you'd prefer more politically correct terminology and it as it turned out, there had been an overbooking of seats within the sports complex! Numerous people, of whom had obtained their tickets just like anyone else, were unable to get in due to the over-capacitated arena. And as I stood there, observing America, the most melodic and symphonic, relevant and patriotic song floated past my ears chiming the below:

I have to admit, I burst out laughing as the glorious red jeep rolled past the R.G. Wanek building blasting this song.

Today was a day I will never forget. The simple fact that people have the right to agree and to disagree, to peaceably assemble and to support a totalitarian, racist, ignoramus. Today was a day of exemplified first amendment rights, of freedom and the possible loss of this freedom due to the 2016 presidential election.

Below, I've included a couple more pictures I took throughout the day.

Love trumps hate, everyone.

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