Bakke V. Board of Regents- Significance?
This pivotal case was sparked by a white student being denied entry into The University of California, Davis Medical School and blaming...
The Time Trump Became Commander in Chief
It was hard to watch, to say the least. As Erik Daniels, President of College Democrats, reflected upon it to me and my fellow members of...
Siding With the Board (Oliver Brown Vs. The Board of Education)
"It was the second Emancipation...", former president of the National Urban League, Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. concludes in the included...
Swann V. Board- Who did it and what for?
Swann V. Charlotte Mecklenberg Board of Education was a quintessential supreme court case in 1971 where bussing was used to...
The Minority Report of Plessy V. Ferguson
After reading Judge Harlan's, the judge of the Plessy V. Ferguson court case in 1896, dissent, it is clear that his dissent definitely...